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We are always available in person.

Best Western Hotel im Forum Muelheim

Hans-Böckler-Platz 19
45468 Muelheim an der Ruhr

Phone: +49 (0)208 30 86 30
Fax:      +49 (0)208 30 86 3 113

GPS Adresse:

Am Hauptbahnhof 8
45468 Muelheim

E-mail :

How to find us

From northern direction the A40 leads to Muelheim, coming from the south you reach us via A3 and/or A52. Starting from entrance Muelheim follow the signs “MH-Zentrum” or “Forum City Muelheim”, there we are on the ground floor. Chargeable parking spaces are at disposal in the underground parking of “Forum City Muelheim”, which you reach by the Dickswallstrasse.



When you arrive in Muelheim an der Ruhr watch out for the signs which indicate the hotel route.
Follow the green route, it shows you the way to the train station and the German post office, where our hotel is located.


If you don’t find the signs for the hotel route, you can follow the signs of “ FORUM Einkaufzentrum” there you can park in the underground garage. One of our entrances leads directly to the shopping mall.


Best Western Hotel im Forum Mülheim
Hans-Böckler-Platz 19
45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr

Phone: +49 (0)208 30 86 30
Fax:     +49 (0)208 30 86 3 113

E-mail :